Below is a mind map showing the components that go into the creation of a SuperSite. You must choose the right subject. Set the tone to match your market. Structure the site to maintain traffic flow. Develop revenue models… and on and on.
It’s almost overwhelming. That’s why in order to guarantee a successful SuperSite, you need a good, solid support program.
With this MindMap – and the guidance from Harlan Kilstein’s FABULOUS STAFF – and outsourcing, it is, indeed, just a series of STEPS to build a SuperSite – once you’ve vetted your Target Market Niche(s). Yes, multiples are EASIER to duplicate after you’ve done the First One – and Solopreneurs like me, always have a BIG LIST of “I Wanna Do This Next” Ideas!
Stick with Dr. K. – he knows what he’s doing! Congratulations on launch of “Catington Post”, where we have more CATS in USA than DOGS, it’s a WINNER!